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Arthur Vivian WATKINS, Congress, UT (1886-1973)

Senate Years of Service: 1947-1959 Party: Republican WATKINS Arthur Vivian , a Senator from Utah; born in Midway, Wasatch County, Utah, December 18, 1886; attended the public schools, Brigham…

Joyce Kilmer

Kilmer, Joyce[1886-1918](4)Born at New Brunswick, N.J., Dec. 6, 1886. Educated at Columbia University. After a short period of teaching he became associated with the Funk and Wagnalls…

Bella Savitzky ABZUG, Congress, NY (1920-1998)

ABZUG Bella Savitzky , a Representative from New York; born Bella Savitzky in New York City, July 24, 1920; attended the local public schools; A.B., Hunter College, New York City, 1942; LL.B.,…

Karl Earl MUNDT, Congress, SD (1900-1974)

Senate Years of Service: 1948-1973 Party: Republican MUNDT Karl Earl , a Representative and a Senator from South Dakota; born in Humboldt, Minnehaha County, S.Dak., June 3, 1900; attended the…

Jack Richard MILLER, Congress, IA (1916-1994)

Senate Years of Service: 1961-1973 Party: Republican MILLER Jack Richard , a Senator from Iowa; born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., June 6, 1916; moved to Sioux City, Iowa, with his parents in…

Walter Frederick MONDALE, Congress, MN (1928)

Senate Years of Service: 1964-1976 Party: Democrat MONDALE Walter Frederick , a Senator from Minnesota and Vice President of the United States; born in Ceylon, Martin County, Minn., January 5,…

William LANGER, Congress, ND (1886-1959)

Senate Years of Service: 1941-1959 Party: Republican LANGER William , a Senator from North Dakota; born on a farm in Everest Township, near Casselton, Cass County, N.Dak., September 30, 1886;…

LEA, Luke, Congress, TN (1879-1945)

Senate Years of Service: 1911-1917 Party: Democrat LEA, Luke, (great-grandson of Luke Lea [1783-1851]), a Senator from Tennessee; born in Nashville, Tenn., April 12, 1879; attended the public…

Joshua Bryan LEE, Congress, OK (1892-1967)

Senate Years of Service: 1937-1943 Party: Democrat LEE Joshua Bryan , a Representative and a Senator from Oklahoma; born in Childersburg, Talladega County, Ala., January 23, 1892; moved with…