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Robert Barnwell RHETT, Congress, SC (1800-1876)

Senate Years of Service: 1850-1852 Party: Democrat RHETT Robert Barnwell , a Representative and a Senator from South Carolina; born Robert Barnwell Smith in Beaufort, S.C., December 21, 1800;…

Henry Carl LUCKEY, Congress, NE (1868-1956)

LUCKEY Henry Carl , a Representative from Nebraska; born near East St. Louis, St. Clair County, Ill., November 22, 1868; moved to Nebraska with his parents, who settled on a farm near Columbus in…

Meyer JACOBSTEIN, Congress, NY (1880-1963)

JACOBSTEIN Meyer , a Representative from New York; born in New York City, January 25, 1880; moved with his parents to Rochester, N.Y., in 1882; attended the public schools and the University of…

1996 National Magazine Awards

The National Magazine Awards, sponsored by the American Society of Magazine Editors and administered by the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, were presented April 23, 1996,…

Ernest GREENWOOD, Congress, NY (1884-1955)

GREENWOOD Ernest , a Representative from New York; born in Yorkshire, England, November 25, 1884; attended the public schools of Halifax, England, and the Evening Technical Institute and College;…

Alexander HAMILTON, Congress, NY (1757-1804)

HAMILTON, Alexander, a Delegate from New York; born on the island of Nevis, British West Indies, January 11, 1757; immigrated to the United States in 1772, where he received educational…

Tom Loftin JOHNSON, Congress, OH (1854-1911)

JOHNSON Tom Loftin , a Representative from Ohio; born in Georgetown, Scott County, Ky., July 18, 1854; moved to Indiana in boyhood; attended the public schools; employed in a rolling mill; clerk…