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Brewer's: Oaks Famous in Story

(1) Owen Glendower's Oak, at Shelton, near Shrewsbury, was in full growth in 1403, for in this tree Owen Glendower witnessed the great battle between Henry IV. and Henry Percy. Six or…

The Full Story of the First Thanksgiving

The origins of Thanksgiving trace far back in American history. Its roots are deeply embedded into the country's culture and traditions, celebrated annually by families and friends gathering around…

The Koran/Sura XXVIII — The Story

Sura XXVIII — The StoryMecca — 88 Verses In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful TA. SIN. MIM.[639] These are the signs of the lucid Book. We will recite to thee portions of…

The Greatest Love Stories Quiz

Love is a universal language that transcends time and culture. Whether it's the story of Romeo and Juliet or Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy, we can all relate to the thrill, joy, and heartbreak that…

June 2002

WorldPeasants Die in Mexican Land Dispute (June 1): In a poor mountain village in Oaxaca, 26 men and boys die in an attack by armed members of a neighboring community. Arafat Outlines Plan to…

Ginsberg, Allen

(Encyclopedia) Ginsberg, AllenGinsberg, Allengĭnzˈbûrg [key], 1926–97, American poet, b. Paterson, N.J., grad. Columbia, 1949. An outspoken member of the beat generation, Ginsberg is best known for…

Year in Review, 2011: World News

Major World News Stories of 2011 by Beth Rowen Col. Muammar al-QaddafiRelated Links 2011 Year in Review 2011 News of the NationScience News…

Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Amadeus

(Encyclopedia) Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor AmadeusHoffmann, Ernst Theodor Amadeusĕrnst tāˈōdōr ämädāˈ&oobreve;s hôfˈmän [key], 1776–1822, German romantic novelist and composer, a lawyer. At one time…

Smith, Henry John Stephen

(Encyclopedia) Smith, Henry John Stephen, 1826–83, British mathematician. He was a lecturer in mathematics (1850–73) and, from 1860 to 1883, Savilian professor of geometry at Oxford. He is especially…