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Notable Staffed Space Flights

Here is a table of staffed space flights including the names of astronauts, duration of the flights, and launch dates. Designation and country Date Astronauts Flight time Remarks…

Wilson, Sir Angus

(Encyclopedia) Wilson, Sir Angus, 1913–91, English novelist, b. South Africa. As a novelist, he attempted to delineate a society in which traditional values have lost their force and human…

Schwartz, Delmore

(Encyclopedia) Schwartz, Delmore, 1913–66, American poet, b. New York City, grad. New York Univ., 1935. He was an editor of the Partisan Review (1943–55). His first work, In Dreams Begin…

Hearn, Lafcadio

(Encyclopedia) Hearn, LafcadioHearn, Lafcadiolăfkäˈdēō hûrn [key], 1850–1904, American-Japanese author, b. Lefkás, Ionian Islands, of Irish-Greek parentage. After a difficult childhood, he was…

Supervielle, Jules

(Encyclopedia) Supervielle, JulesSupervielle, Juleszhül süpĕrvyĕlˈ [key], 1884–1960, French author, b. Uruguay. His life was divided between Montevideo, where he was born, and Paris, where he was…

Simenon, Georges

(Encyclopedia) Simenon, GeorgesSimenon, Georgeszhôrzh sēmənôNˈ [key], 1903–89, Belgian novelist. One of the most prolific of modern authors, he is best known for the more than 75 stories he wrote…

MacDiarmid, Hugh

(Encyclopedia) MacDiarmid, HughMacDiarmid, Hughməkdûrˈmĭd, –mĭt [key], pseud. of Christopher Murray Grieve, 1892–1978, Scottish poet and critic, b. Langholm, Dumfrieshire. Passionately devoted to…

Torres Bodet, Jaime

(Encyclopedia) Torres Bodet, JaimeTorres Bodet, Jaimehīˈmā tôrˈrās bôdĕtˈ [key], 1902–74, Mexican poet, diplomat, short-story writer, and essayist. Torres Bodet's first book of poems, Fervor (1918),…

La Farge, Oliver

(Encyclopedia) La Farge, OliverLa Farge, Oliverlä färzh [key], 1901–63, American writer and anthropologist, b. New York City, grad. Harvard (B.A., 1924; M.A., 1929). He conducted three archaeological…

Scientology, Church of

(Encyclopedia) Scientology, Church of, philosophical religion founded by L(afayette) Ron(ald) Hubbard, 1911–86, b. Tilden, Nebr. Hubbard's book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health (1950)…