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Jackson, Shirley

(Encyclopedia) Jackson, Shirley, 1916–65, American writer, b. San Francisco. She is best known for her stories and novels of horror and the occult, rendered more terrifying because they are set…

Benedetti, Mario

(Encyclopedia) Benedetti, Mario, 1920–2009, Uruguayan writer, one of Latin America's most popular, influential, and prolific authors. The son of Italian immigrants, he grew up and was educated in…

Timeline: Russian Culture, Part III

Part III: The Golden Age       1756 1801 1852 1900 Next: Soviet Period       1756 Czarina Elizabeth allies Russia with France; cult of French…

Matthew of Paris

(Encyclopedia) Matthew of Paris or Matthew Paris, d. 1259, English historian, a monk of St. Albans. He became the historiographer of the convent after the death (c.1236) of Roger of Wendover. The…


(Encyclopedia) KirillKirillkĭrēlˈ [key], 16th patriarch of Moscow and all Russia (2009–), b. Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) as Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyayev. The son and grandson of Russian…

Chesnutt, Charles Waddell

(Encyclopedia) Chesnutt, Charles WaddellChesnutt, Charles Waddellwädĕlˈ [key], 1858–1932, American author and lawyer, b. Cleveland, Ohio. In 1887 he was admitted to the Ohio bar. His short stories…

Fonseca, Rubem

(Encyclopedia) Fonseca, Rubem, 1925–2020, Brazilian short-story writer and novelist. Fonseca, who studied law and worked for a time as a police officer, is known for urban crime tales, many informed…

Kasparov, Garry

(Encyclopedia) Kasparov, GarryKasparov, Garrykəspärˈôf, –ŏf [key], 1963–, Armenian chess player, b. Azerbaijan (then in the USSR) as Garik Kimovich Wainshtein. He became the world junior champion at…

Ulitskaya, Lyudmila Evgenyevna

(Encyclopedia) Ulitskaya, Lyudmila Evgenyevna, 1943–, Russian writer and Soviet-era dissident, grad. Moscow State Univ. She worked as a geneticist at the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968–70), was fired…