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Comenius, John Amos

(Encyclopedia) Comenius, John AmosComenius, John Amoskōmēˈnēəs [key], Czech Jan Amos Komenský, 1592–1670, Moravian churchman and educator, last bishop of the Moravian Church. Comenius advocated…

Tagore, Sir Rabindranath

(Encyclopedia) Tagore, Sir RabindranathTagore, Sir Rabindranathrəbĭnˈdrənät təgôrˈ, täk&oobreve;rˈ [key], 1861–1941, Indian author and guru, b. Calcutta (now Kolkata). Tagore came from a wealthy…

Poe, Edgar Allan

(Encyclopedia) Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809–49, American poet, short-story writer, and critic, b. Boston. He is acknowledged today as one of the most brilliant and original writers in American literature.…

Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich

(Encyclopedia) Pushkin, Aleksandr SergeyevichPushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevichp&oobreve;shˈkĭn, Rus. əlyĭksänˈdər syĭrgāˈyəvĭch p&oomacr;shˈkĭn [key], 1799–1837, Russian poet and prose writer,…

Rhys, Jean

(Encyclopedia) Rhys, JeanRhys, Jeanrēs [key], pseud. of Ella Gwendoline Rees Williams, 1894–1979, English novelist, b. Dominica. Her novels written in the 1930s mercilessly exploit her own emotional…

Hopkins, Gerard Manley

(Encyclopedia) Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 1844–89, English poet, educated at Oxford. Entering the Roman Catholic Church in 1866 and the Jesuit novitiate in 1868, he was ordained in 1877. Upon becoming a…

Styron, William

(Encyclopedia) Styron, William, 1925–2006, American novelist, b. Newport News, Va., grad. Duke, 1947. His fiction is often powerful, deeply felt, poetic, and elegiac. He became well known for his…

Thomas S. Jones, Jr.: Sometimes

SometimesThomas S. Jones, Jr.Across the fields of yesterday He sometimes comes to me, A little lad just back from play — The lad I used to be.And yet he smiles so wistfully Once he has…

Washington University

(Encyclopedia) Washington University, at St. Louis, Mo.; coeducational; est. as Eliot Seminary 1853, opened 1854, renamed 1857. It has a well-known medical school and school of social work as well as…