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Reagan, Ronald Wilson

(Encyclopedia) Reagan, Ronald WilsonReagan, Ronald Wilsonrāˈgən [key], 1911–2004, 40th president of the United States (1981–89), b. Tampico, Ill. In 1932, after graduation from Eureka College, he…

Collected Inaugural Addresses of U.S. Presidents

Contents George WashingtonThursday, April 30, 1789 George WashingtonMonday, March 4, 1793 John AdamsSaturday, March 4, 1797 Thomas JeffersonWednesday, March 4, 1801 Thomas JeffersonMonday,…

Senghor, Léopold Sédar

(Encyclopedia) Senghor, Léopold SédarSenghor, Léopold Sédarlāôpôldˈ sādärˈ säNgôrˈ [key], 1906–2001, African statesman and poet; president (1960–80) of the Republic of Senegal, b. Joal. The son of a…

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, American jurist

(Encyclopedia) Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1841–1935, American jurist, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1902–32), b. Boston; son of the writer Oliver Wendell Holmes. He served (1861–64) with…

Ungaretti, Giuseppe

(Encyclopedia) Ungaretti, GiuseppeUngaretti, Giuseppej&oomacr;zĕpˈpā &oomacr;ngärĕtˈtē [key], 1888–1970, Italian poet, critic, and translator, b. Alexandria, Egypt. Ungaretti spent his youth…

Koch, Kenneth

(Encyclopedia) Koch, Kenneth (Kenneth Jay Koch)Koch, Kennethkōk [key], 1925–2002, American poet, novelist, and playwright, b. Cincinnati. After studying at Harvard and Columbia he was associated with…

Cavafy, Constantine

(Encyclopedia) Cavafy, ConstantineCavafy, Constantinekäväˈfē [key], pseud. of Konstantínos Pétrou KaváfisCavafy, Constantinekônˌstäntēˈnôs pāˈtr&oomacr; käväˈfēs [key], 1863–1933, Greek poet.…

Branner, Hans Christian

(Encyclopedia) Branner, Hans Christian, 1903–66, Danish writer. Branner's early novels, often concerned with the irrational fears of childhood, include The Child Playing on the Shore (1937). With The…

Chocano, José Santos

(Encyclopedia) Chocano, José SantosChocano, José Santoshōsāˈ sänˈtōs chōkäˈnō [key], 1875–1934, Peruvian poet and one of the leaders of modernismo. During a life of Latin-American wandering, Chocano…

Dickey, James

(Encyclopedia) Dickey, James, 1923–97, American poet and novelist, b. Atlanta. After serving in the air force during World War II, he attended Vanderbilt Univ., graduating in 1946. He was an English…