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Ondaatje, Michael

(Encyclopedia) Ondaatje, Michael (Philip Michael Ondaatje)Ondaatje, Michaeländätˈchā [key], 1943–, Canadian writer, b. Colombo, Sri Lanka (then Ceylon). Immigrating (1962) to Canada, he attended the…

Pulitzer Prize for Poetry

The premier prize for American poetry The Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, first given in 1922, is widely recognized as one of the biggest prizes in the American publishing industry. It's important to…

Eliot, Sir John

(Encyclopedia) Eliot, Sir John, 1592–1632, English parliamentary leader. He was a staunch defender of parliamentary liberties. Eliot instituted (1626) the impeachment proceedings against Charles I's…

Harjo, Joy

(Encyclopedia) Harjo, Joy, 1951–, Native American poet and activist, b. Tulsa, Okla., B.A. Univ. of New Mexico, 1976, M.F.A. Univ. of Iowa, 1978. Her poems are collected in The Last Song (1975), She…

Kerouac, Jack

(Encyclopedia) Kerouac, Jack (John Kerouac)Kerouac, Jackkĕrˈəwăkˌ [key], 1922–69, American novelist, b. Lowell, Mass., studied at Columbia. One of the leaders of the beat generation, a term he is…

Brooks, Gwendolyn Elizabeth

(Encyclopedia) Brooks, Gwendolyn Elizabeth, 1917–2000, American poet, b. Topeka, Kans. She grew up in the slums of Chicago and lived in that city until her death. Brooks's poems, technically…

Nemerov, Howard

(Encyclopedia) Nemerov, HowardNemerov, Howardnĕmˈĕrôf [key], 1920–91, American poet, novelist, and critic, b. New York City, grad. Harvard, 1941; brother of photographer Diane Arbus. He taught at…

Hesse, Hermann

(Encyclopedia) Hesse, HermannHesse, Hermannhĕrˈmän [key]Hesse, Hermann hĕsˈə [key], 1877–1962, German novelist and poet. A pacifist, he went to Switzerland at the outbreak of World War I and became (…

Poem: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Poem 12 Poem 14 The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse A persona che mai tornasse al mondo, Questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse. Ma perciocche…

Mayröcker, Friederike

(Encyclopedia) Mayröcker, Friederike, 1924-2021, German-language poet, b. Vienna, Austria. Mayröcker served in World War II as a secretary in the…