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Poem: Le Directeur

Poem 4 Poem 6 Le Directeur Malheur í  la malheureuse Tamise! Tamisel Qui coule si pres du Spectateur. Le directeur Conservateur Du Spectateur Empeste la brise. Les actionnaires…

Poem: Portrait of a Lady

13 - The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Preludes - 15 Portrait of a Lady Thou hast committed-- Fornication: but that was in another country And besides, the wench is dead. -…

Seferis, George

(Encyclopedia) Seferis, GeorgeSeferis, Georgesĕfĕrˈēs [key] (Giorgos Sefiriades), 1900–1971, Greek poet. Educated at the Univ. of Paris, he returned to Greece, where he had a distinguished career as…

Simpson, Louis

(Encyclopedia) Simpson, Louis, 1923–2012, American poet, b. Kingston, Jamaica, grad. Columbia (B.S., 1948; Ph.D., 1959). He was an infantryman in World War II, and was a professor at the Univ. of…


(Encyclopedia) symbolists, in literature, a school originating in France toward the end of the 19th cent. in reaction to the naturalism and realism of the period. Designed to convey impressions by…

Rosenberg, Isaac

(Encyclopedia) Rosenberg, Isaac, 1890–1918, English poet, b. Bristol. He studied painting at the Slade School (1911–14) and had an exhibition of his work at the Whitechapel Gallery. Although he wrote…

Song of Solomon

(Encyclopedia) Song of Solomon,&sp;Song of Songs, or Canticles, book of the Bible, 22d in the order of the Authorized Version. Although traditionally ascribed to King Solomon, many scholars date…

Riley, James Whitcomb

(Encyclopedia) Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849–1916, American poet, b. Greenfield, Ind., known as the Hoosier poet. He was at various times a traveling actor, a sign painter, and a newspaperman. Under…

Kreymborg, Alfred

(Encyclopedia) Kreymborg, AlfredKreymborg, Alfredkrāmˈbôrg [key], 1883–1966, American poet and anthologist, b. New York City. Originally one of the imagists, he wrote poems collected in Mushrooms (…

Carter, Angela

(Encyclopedia) Carter, Angela, 1940–92, English writer. She was a newspaper reporter before studying at the Univ. of Bristol (B.A., 1965), where she explored medieval literature, Freud, surrealism,…