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(Encyclopedia) Madonna (Madonna Louise Ciccone) Madonna mədŏnˈə, chĭkōˈnē [key], 1958…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Matilda Gathering Flowers

by Percy Bysshe Shelley The First Canzone of the ConvitoFragment: Adapted from the Vit...Matilda Gathering Flowers From the Purgatorio Of Dante, Canto 28, Lines 1-51. Published in part (…

Isabella II

(Encyclopedia) Isabella II, 1830–1904, queen of Spain (1833–68), daughter of Ferdinand VII and of Maria Christina. Her uncle, Don Carlos, contested her succession under the Salic law, and thus the…

Villon, François

(Encyclopedia) Villon, FrançoisVillon, FrançoisfräNswäˈ vēyôNˈ [key], 1431–1463?, French poet, b. Paris, whose original name was François de Montcorbier or François Des Loges. One of the earliest…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Marianne's Dream

by Percy Bysshe Shelley To Constantia, SingingMarianne's Dream Composed at Marlow, 1817. Published in Hunt's "Literary Pocket-Book", 1819, and reprinted in "Posthumous Poems", 1824. 1. A…

Entertainment Bios — A

AaliyahClaudio AbbadoBerenice AbbottBud AbbottGeorge AbbottF. Murray AbrahamKathy AckerBryan AdamsCindy AdamsDouglas AdamsScott AdamsAerosmithBen AffleckJames AgeeChristina AguileraAi Danny…