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Christina Rossetti: Who Shall Deliver Me?

Who Shall Deliver Me?Feb. 1866God strengthen me to bear myself; That heaviest weight of all to bear, Inalienable weight of care.All others are outside myself, I lock my door and bar them out…

Maria Christina, 1858–1929, queen of Spain

(Encyclopedia) Maria ChristinaMaria Christinamärēˈä krēstēˈnä [key], 1858–1929, queen of Spain, consort of Alfonso XII. An Austrian archduchess, she was married to Alfonso in 1879. After his death,…


Rodin's The Thinker was conceived as part of his Gates of Hell, representing the poet Dante in the Inferno.Poetry is arguably the oldest written art form that we have records of, dating back…

Maria Christina, 1806–78, queen of Spain

(Encyclopedia) Maria ChristinaMaria Christinamärēˈä krēstēˈnä [key], 1806–78, queen of Spain, daughter of Francis I of the Two Sicilies. The fourth wife of Ferdinand VII, she persuaded him to confirm…

Stead, Christina

(Encyclopedia) Stead, Christina, 1902–83, Australian novelist, b. Rockdale, New South Wales. She worked in the United States in the 1940s, emigrated to England in 1953, then returned to Australia in…

Burne-Jones, Sir Edward

(Encyclopedia) Burne-Jones, Sir Edward, 1833–98. English painter and decorator, b. Birmingham. Expected to enter the Church, he went to Exeter College, Oxford, where he met William Morris, who became…

Cino da Pistoia

(Encyclopedia) Cino da PistoiaCino da Pistoiachēˈnō dä pēstôˈyä [key], 1270–1337?, Italian jurist and poet, whose full name was Guittoncino dei Sinibaldi, or Sighibuldi. A friend of Dante and…