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Christian Science

(Encyclopedia) Christian Science, religion founded upon principles of divine healing and laws expressed in the acts and sayings of Jesus, as discovered and set forth by Mary Baker Eddy and practiced…

Christian socialism

(Encyclopedia) Christian socialism, term used in Great Britain and the United States for a kind of socialism growing out of the clash between Christian ideals and the effects of competitive business…

Thomasius, Christian

(Encyclopedia) Thomasius, ChristianThomasius, Christiankrĭsˈtyän tōmäˈzy&oobreve;s [key], 1655–1728, German jurist and philosopher. A lawyer, he lectured on natural law at Leipzig; he broke with…

Weise, Christian

(Encyclopedia) Weise, ChristianWeise, Christiankrĭsˈtyän vīˈzə [key], 1642–1708, German didactic poet and dramatist. He wrote more than 60 plays, many of them written for production in schools.…

Christian Markle STRAUB, Congress, PA (1804)

STRAUB Christian Markle , a Representative from Pennsylvania; born in Milton, Pa., in 1804; studied law; was admitted to the bar; prothonotary of Schuylkill County in 1845; sheriff of…