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Grace Fallow Norton: Love is a Terrible Thing
Love is a Terrible ThingGrace Fallow NortonI went out to the farthest meadow, I lay down in the deepest shadow;And I said unto the earth, "Hold me," And unto the night, "O enfold me,"And unto…Percy Bysshe Shelley: Peter Bell, Grace
by Percy Bysshe Shelley Sin Damnation Grace Among the guests who often stayed Till the Devil's petits-soupers, A man there came, fair as a maid, And Peter noted what he said, Standing behind…anti-hero
(Encyclopedia) anti-hero, principal character of a modern literary or dramatic work who lacks the attributes of the traditional protagonist or hero. The anti-hero's lack of courage, honesty, or grace…Young, Geoffrey Winthrop
(Encyclopedia) Young, Geoffrey Winthrop, 1876–1958, English writer, an authority on mountaineering. He was educated at Cambridge and later studied in Switzerland and France. Before 1914 he made an…Pontano, Giovanni
(Encyclopedia) Pontano, GiovanniPontano, Giovannijōvänˈnē pōntäˈnō [key], 1426–1503, Italian poet, historian, and statesman, who used also the Latin form Jovianus Pontanus. He was protected by…Renwick, James
(Encyclopedia) Renwick, James, 1818–95, American architect, b. New York City, grad. Columbia, 1836. His design for Grace Church (1843–46) in New York City was followed by that for St. Patrick's…Mario
(Encyclopedia) MarioMariomärˈyō [key], 1810–83, stage name of Giovanni Matteo, Cavaliere di Candia, Italian tenor. An officer of the Piedmontese guard, he went to Paris in 1836 and studied at the…Plushenko, Evgeni Viktorovich
(Encyclopedia) Plushenko, Evgeni Viktorovich, 1982–, Russian figure skater. Plushenko debuted at the Russian Nationals in 1996, won the World Junior Championship a year later, and won the bronze…Montanism
(Encyclopedia) MontanismMontanismmŏnˈtənĭzəm [key], apocalyptic movement of the 2d cent. It arose in Phrygia (c.172) under the leadership of a certain Montanus and two female prophets, Prisca and…Adam, the first man, in the Bible
(Encyclopedia) AdamAdamădˈəm [key], [Heb.,=man], in the Bible, the first man. In the Book of Genesis, God creates humankind in his image as a species of male and female, giving them dominion over…