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Naples, kingdom of

(Encyclopedia) Naples, kingdom of, former state, occupying the Italian peninsula south of the former Papal States. It comprised roughly the present regions of Campania, Abruzzi, Molise, Basilicata,…

Goodman, Nelson

(Encyclopedia) Goodman, Nelson (Henry Nelson Goodman), 1906–98, American philosopher, b. Somerville, Mass., grad. Harvard (Ph.D. 1941). He taught at Tufts (1945–46), the Univ. of Pennsylvania (1946–…

Glueck, Nelson

(Encyclopedia) Glueck, NelsonGlueck, Nelsongl&oobreve;k, glĭk [key], 1900–1971, American archaeologist and educator, b. Cincinnati, grad. Univ. of Cincinnati, 1920, Ph.D. Univ. of Jena, Germany,…

Jervis, John, earl of St. Vincent

(Encyclopedia) Jervis, John, earl of St. VincentJervis, John, earl of St. Vincentjärˈvĭs, jûrˈ– [key], 1735–1823, British admiral. His most famous action as commander of the Mediterranean fleet was…

Nelson, Knute

(Encyclopedia) Nelson, KnuteNelson, Knutekən&oomacr;tˈ [key], 1843–1923, U.S. Senator (1895–1923), b. Voss, Norway. He was brought to the United States at the age of six, grew up on a Wisconsin…

Bond Street

(Encyclopedia) Bond Street, in Westminster, London, England, famous for its fashionable shops. Among the noted residents of Bond St. have been the authors Laurence Sterne, James Boswell, and Jonathan…

John REILLY, Congress, PA (1836-1904)

REILLY John , a Representative from Pennsylvania; born in Abnerville, Indiana County, Pa., February 22, 1836; received home instruction and attended the public schools; entered the service of the…

Wilson REILLY, Congress, PA (1811-1885)

REILLY Wilson , a Representative from Pennsylvania; was born in Waynesboro, Franklin County, Pa., August 8, 1811; attended the common schools; engaged as a hatter in Waynesboro and Chambersburg…