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Crawford, William Harris

(Encyclopedia) Crawford, William Harris, 1772–1834, American statesman, b. Amherst co., Va. (his birthplace is now in Nelson co.). He moved with his parents to South Carolina and later to Georgia.…

Charles, archduke of Austria

(Encyclopedia) Charles, 1771–1847, archduke of Austria; brother of Holy Roman Emperor Francis II. Despite his epilepsy, he was the ablest Austrian commander in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic…

Charles V, duke of Lorraine

(Encyclopedia) Charles V (Charles Leopold), 1643–90, duke of Lorraine; nephew of Duke Charles IV. Deprived of the rights of succession to the duchy, he was forced to leave France and entered the…

Charles VI, king of France

(Encyclopedia) Charles VI (Charles the Mad or Charles the Well Beloved), 1368–1422, king of France (1380–1422), son and successor of King Charles V. During his minority he was under the tutelage of…

Burchfield, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Burchfield, Charles (Charles Ephraim Burchfield), 1893–1967, American painter, b. Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio, studied Cleveland School of Art. Living at first in Ohio, then moving (1921)…

Charles of Valois

(Encyclopedia) Charles of ValoisCharles of Valoisvälwäˈ [key], 1270–1325, French prince and military leader, third son of Philip III and father of Philip VI. He dominated the reign in France of his…

Clement IV, pope

(Encyclopedia) Clement IV, d. 1268, pope (1265–68), a Frenchman named Guy le gros Foulques; successor of Urban IV. He was a lay adviser of King Louis IX of France, but after his wife's death he…

Walter, Lucy

(Encyclopedia) Walter, Lucy, 1630?–1658, mistress (1648–50) of Charles II of England during his exile in Holland and France. She was the mother by him of James Scott, duke of Monmouth, whom the Whigs…

Henrietta Maria

(Encyclopedia) Henrietta MariaHenrietta Mariamərīˈə [key], 1609–69, queen consort of Charles I of England, daughter of Henry IV of France. She married Charles in 1625. Although she was devoted and…

Du Guesclin, Bertrand

(Encyclopedia) Du Guesclin, BertrandDu Guesclin, BertrandbĕrträNˈ dü gĕklăNˈ [key], c.1320–80, constable of France (1370–80), greatest French soldier of his time. A Breton, he initially served…