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Dr. Charles B. Huggins Biography

Dr. Charles B. HugginsAge: 95 winner of Nobel Prize for discoveries that led to drug treatment for cancer and to modern treatment of prostate and breast cancer. Died: Jan. 12, 1997.Ralph…

Charles Hanson Towne: City Roofs

City RoofsCharles Hanson TowneRoof-tops, roof-tops, what do you cover? Sad folk, bad folk, and many a glowing lover; Wise people, simple people, children of despair — Roof-tops, roof-tops,…

Charles Wharton Stork: Death — Divination

Death — DivinationCharles Wharton StorkDeath is like moonlight in a lofty wood, That pours pale magic through the shadowy leaves; 'T is like the web that some old perfume weaves In a dim,…

Charles Hanson Towne: Love's Ritual

Love's RitualCharles Hanson TowneBreathe me the ancient words when I shall find Your spirit mine; if, seeking you, life wins New wonder, with old splendor let us bind Our hearts when Love's…

Charles Hanson Towne: The Quiet Singer

The Quiet Singer(Ave! Francis Thompson)Charles Hanson TowneHe had been singing — but I had not heard his voice; He had been weaving lovely dreams of song, O many a morning long. But I, remote…

Charles Wharton Stork: The Silent Folk

The Silent FolkCharles Wharton StorkOh, praise me not the silent folk; To me they only seem Like leafless, bird-abandoned oak And muffled, frozen stream.I want the leaves to talk and tell The…

Charles County, MD Social Statistics

Charles county maryland dp 2 profile of selected social characteristics SubjectNumberPercent SCHOOL ENROLLMENTPopulation 3 years and over enrolled in school35,134100.0Nursery school,…

Charles County, MD Economic Statistics

Charles county maryland dp 3 profile of selected economic characteristics SubjectNumberPercent EMPLOYMENT STATUSPopulation 16 years and over89,512100.0In labor force64,98372.6Civilian…

Charles County, MD Housing Statistics

Charles county maryland dp 4 profile of selected housing characteristics SubjectNumberPercent Total housing units43,903100.0UNITS IN STRUCTURE1-unit, detached31,20471.11-unit,…

Charles DJOU, Congress, HI (1970)

DJOU Charles , a Representative from Hawaii; born in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Calif., August 9, 1970; graduated from Punahou School, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1988; B.A., University of…