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Brewer's: Lawyer's Bags

Some red, some blue. In the Common Law, red bags are reserved for Q.C.'s and Sergeants; but a stuff-gownsman may carry one “if presented with it by a silk.” Only red bags may be taken into…

Brewer's: Towers of Silence

Towers in Persia and India, some sixty feet in height, on the top of which Parsees place the dead to be eaten by vultures. The bones are picked clean in the course of a day, and are then…

Brewer's: Twelve

Each English archer carries twelve Scotchmen under his girdle. This was a common saying at one time, because the English were unerring archers, and each archer carried in his belt twelve…

Brewer's: Barristers' Bags

In the Common Law bar, barristers' bags are either red or dark blue. Red bags are reserved for Queen's Counsel and sergeants; but a stuff gownsman may carry one “if presented with it by a…

Brewer's: Bauble

A fool should never hold a bauble in his hand. “ `Tis a foolish bird that fouls its own nest.” The bauble was a short stick, ornamented with ass's ears, carried by licensed fools. (French…

Brewer's: Bible-carrier

(A). A pogram; creakshoes; or saint, in a scornful sense. “Of all bookes, they least respect the Bible. Many will have statute bookes, cronicles, yea play-bookes, and such-like toyish…

Brewer's: Ipso Facto

Irrespective of all external considerations of right or wrong; absolutely; by the very deed itself. It sometimes means the act itself carries the consequences (as excommunication without…

Brewer's: Canonicals

The pouch on the gown of an M.D., designed for carrying drugs. The coif of a serjeant-at-law, designed for concealing the tonsure. The lamb-skin on a B A hood, in imitation of the toga…

Brewer's: Pari Passu

At the same time; in equal degrees; two or more schemes carried on at once and driven forward with equal energy, are said to be carried on pari passu, which is Latin for equal strides or…

Brewer's: Shells

on churches, tombstones, and used by pilgrims: (1) If dedicated to James the Greater, the scallop-shell is his recognised emblem. (See James.) If not, the allusion is to the vocation of…