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Displaying 311 - 320

Women's Suffrage: The Crises of 1916

by Carrie Chapman Catt and Nettie Rogers Shuler Woman Suffrage by Federal AmendmentThe Fighting ForcesThe Crises of 1916As a presidential election was on its way for the autumn of 1916,…

Brutus VI

Brutus VI27 December 1787AbstractThe Federalist writers apparently never responded to "BRUTUS." The following "Brutus" article was extracted from his sixth essay, The New-York Journal of…

The Hungry Stones: The Cabuliwallah

by Rabindranath Tagore The RenunciationThe Cabuliwallah (The Fruitseller from Cabul) My five years' old daughter Mini cannot live without chattering. I really believe that in all her…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: July 12, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark July 11, 1805July 13, 1805July 12, 1805 Friday July 12th 1805. The canoes not having arrived and the wind still high I dispatched Sergt. Gass…

The Devil's Dictionary: Tortoise

by Ambrose Bierce TOPETREETORTOISE -n. A creature thoughtfully created to supply occasion for the following lines by the illustrious Ambat Delaso: TO MY PET TORTOISE My friend, you…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: August 26, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark August 25, 1805August 27, 1805August 26, 1805 Monday August 26th 1805. This morning was excessively cold; there was ice on the vessels of water…