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Entertainment News from June 2001

1 Rick Schroder announces he's through with NYPD Blue. “The long hours required to shoot NYPD Blue would prevent me from being where I really want to be at this time—which is with my family,”…

USBC Women's Champions<sup class="fnr" >1</sup>

Year Singles All events1959 Mae Bolt Pat McBride1960 Marge McDaniels Judy Roberts1961 Elaine Newton Evelyn Teal1962 Martha Hoffman Flossie Argent1963 Dot Wilkinson Helen Shablis1964 Jean…

Entertainment News from February 1997

Kenneth “Babyface” EdmondsArchive Photos1Bill Cosby performs a standup routine in West Palm Beach, Florida, his first since his son, Ennis, was murdered in January. He opened his show by…

Entertainment News from March 1999

1George Clooney, who recently doffed his scrubs having said so long to ER, has reportedly signed on with filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen in their next film, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? The…

Entertainment News from January 1998

1The figures are in, and U.S. moviegoers dished out more than $6.2 billion dollars at the box office in 1997, a 7 percent increase over 1996's $5.76 billion take. Men in Black fared best in…

October 2020 Current Events: Disaster News

Top of Page Science and Technology News | World News | US News The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the world news…

U.S. Zoos and Aquariums

Source: The facilities listed are members of, and accredited by, the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) to ensure that they are maintaining professional standards. The AZA also accredits…

Top 100 Greatest Heroes and Villains

Top of Page Source: Getty ImagesFrom cheering on the underdog boxer Rocky Balboa to being terrorized by Dr. Hannibal Lecter, heroes and villains have always been a part of the movie experience. Most…

May Current Events 2024: World News

Top of Page U.S. News | Disaster News | Science & Technology News | Current Events This Week The world is a very busy place, and it’s hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you…

2002 Major Stakes Races (Horse Racing)

Schedule and results of major stakes races in 2002; BC indicates year-end Breeders' Crown series. 2002 Date Race Raceway Winner Time Driver Purse May 11 Berry's Creek…