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Wilkinson, James

(Encyclopedia) Wilkinson, James, 1757–1825, American general and one of the most corrupt and devious officers in the nation's early army, b. Calvert co., Md. Abandoning his medical studies in 1776 to…

Brewer's: Led Captain

(A). An obsequious person, who dances attendance on the master and mistress of a house, for which service he has a knife and fork at the dinner table. He is led like a dog, and always…

Brewer's: Captain Podd

A showman. So called from “Captain” Podd, a famous puppet-showman in the time of Ben Jonson. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Captain StiffCaptain…

Brewer's: Captain Stiff

To come Captain Stiff over one. To treat one with cold formality. “I shouldn't quite come Captain Stiff over him.” —S. Warren: Ten Thousand a Year. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable…

Brewer's: Copper Captain

(A). A Brummagem captain; a “General von Poffenburgh.” Michael Perez is so called in Rule a Wife and have a Wife, by Beaumont and Fletcher. “To this copper-captain was confided the command…

Brewer's: Kirk of Skulls

Gamrie church in Banffshire; so called because the skulls and other bones of the Norsemen who fell in the neighbouring field, called the Bloody Pots, were built into its walls. Source:…

Brewer's: Kirke-grim

The nix who looks to order in churches, punishes those who misbehave themselves there, and the persons employed to keep it tidy if they fail in their duty. (Scandinavian mythology.)…

Brewer's: Kirke's Lambs

The Queen's Royal West Surrey. Called “Kirke” from Piercy Kirke, their colonel, 1682-1691; and “Lambs” from their badge, the Paschal Lamb the crest of the house of Braganza, in compliment…

Fire Captain

Anonymous Tell us about your work -- what do you do? I am employed by the City of Tallahassee Fire Department . I hold the position of Fire Captain. For…

Kirk, Lisa

actress, singerBirthplace: Charleroi, Pa.Born: 1925Died: 1990