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The Top Ten: Largest Bankruptcies

December 10 - 17 Largest Bankruptcies, 1980–Present Rank Company Date Total assetspre-bankruptcy(in millions)1. Worldcom, Inc1 7/21/2002 $103,914 2. Enron Corp.2 12/2/2001 63,392 3. Conseco…

The Top Ten: Most Dangerous Jobs

December 10 - 17 Most Dangerous Jobs, 2004 Rank Occupation Death rate/100,000 Total deaths in 2004 1. Logging workers 92.4 85…

Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth: Introduction

IntroductionFiscal Policy and Economic GrowthIntroductionGovernment's Unique SituationOf Deficits and DebtSo, Who's Right About Fiscal Policy?Although two-thirds of the federal government's…

GDP and the Players Three: GDP Is “The Economy”

GDP Is “The Economy”GDP and the Players ThreeIntroductionAll Together Now: C + I + GGDP Is “The Economy”Consumers: Buyers, Buyers EverywhereInvestment: Business Buys as Well as SellsGovernment: He's…