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brown recluse spider

(Encyclopedia) brown recluse spider or violin spider, poisonous nocturnal spider, Loxoceles reclusa, most common in the SE and S central United States. Adults are 3&fslsh;8 in. (10 mm) long and…

Brown, Jacob Jennings

(Encyclopedia) Brown, Jacob Jennings, 1775–1828, American general, b. Bucks co., Pa. In the War of 1812 he defeated (May, 1813) a British attempt to take Sackets Harbor, N.Y., and the next year…


(Encyclopedia) Adrogué Adrogué ädrōgāˈ [key] or Almirante Brown Almirante Brown älmēränˈtā [key], city, Buenos Aires prov., E Argentina. It was settled in…

bighorn, in zoology

(Encyclopedia) bighorn or Rocky Mountain sheep, wild sheep, Ovis canadensis, of W North America, formerly plentiful in mountains from SW Canada to N Mexico. Indiscriminate hunting, disease, and…

Wanamaker, John

(Encyclopedia) Wanamaker, JohnWanamaker, Johnwŏnˈəmāˌkər [key], 1838–1922, American merchant, b. Philadelphia. He went into the men's clothing business in Philadelphia with Nathan Brown, his brother-…

bear, in zoology

(Encyclopedia) bear, large mammal of the family Ursidae in the order Carnivora, found almost exclusively in the Northern Hemisphere. Bears have large heads, bulky bodies, massive hindquarters, short…


(Encyclopedia) catechucatechukătˈəch&oomacr; [key] or cutch, extract from the heartwood of Acacia catechu, a leguminous tree of the pulse family, native to India and Myanmar. Catechu is a fast…

Riboud, Marc

(Encyclopedia) Riboud, Marc, 1923–2016, French photojournalist. After fighting in the resistance during World War II, he studied engineering. In 1952 he moved to Paris, where he met Henri Cartier-…

Meynell, Alice (Thompson)

(Encyclopedia) Meynell, Alice (Thompson)Meynell, Alice (Thompson)mĕnˈəl [key], 1847–1922, English poet and essayist. She spent most of her youth in Italy. Converted to Roman Catholicism in 1872, she…


(Encyclopedia) MierisMierismēˈrĭs [key], family of Dutch genre and portrait painters of Leiden. Frans van Mieris, 1635–81, the most important, was the son of a goldsmith and pupil of Gerard Dou. His…