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Rachel Fuller Brown

Rachel Fuller BrownBorn: 1898Birthplace: Springfield, Mass. Nystatin—Hazen and Brown: Nystatin was the world's first non-toxic anti-fungal antibiotic. It cured fungal infections of the skin,…

James Brown Biography

James Brownsoul singerBorn: 5/3/1933Birthplace: Barnwell, South Carolina Energetic, intense singer best known for his gospel-tinged, rhythm and blues songs that influenced the direction of funk,…

Brown, Michael Stuart

(Encyclopedia) Brown, Michael Stuart, 1941–, American molecular geneticist, b. New York City, M.D. Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1966. He worked (1968–71) as a researcher at the National Institutes of…

Laforet, Carmen

(Encyclopedia) Laforet, Carmen (Carmen Laforet Díaz)Laforet, Carmenkärˈmān läfōrĕtˈ [key], 1921–2004, Spanish writer, b. Barcelona. Her first novel, Nada (1945, tr. Andrea 1964), which describes the…

Bernadette, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Bernadette, SaintBernadette, Saintbûrnədĕtˈ [key], 1844–79, French peasant girl who reported seeing the Virgin Mary in apparitions at a grotto near Lourdes, her home, in 1858. She was…

Schwanthaler, Ludwig von

(Encyclopedia) Schwanthaler, Ludwig vonSchwanthaler, Ludwig vonl&oobreve;tˈvĭkh fən shvänˈtälər [key], 1802–48, German sculptor. Though he was a neoclassicist, his later works were more in the…

Hughes, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Hughes, Thomas, 1822–96, English author. A lawyer, Hughes eventually became a judge; he was also a Liberal member of Parliament and worked assiduously for social reforms. His novel of…

Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred Reginald

(Encyclopedia) Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred Reginald, 1881–1955, British anthropologist. He did fieldwork in the Andaman Islands and in Australia. Radcliffe-Brown fostered the development of social…


(Encyclopedia) limonitelimonitelīmˈənīt [key] or brown hematitebrown hematitehĕmˈətīt, hēˈ– [key], yellowish to dark brown mineral, a hydrated oxide of iron, FeO(OH)·nH2O, occurring commonly in…