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North Vancouver

(Encyclopedia) North Vancouver, city (1991 pop. 38,436), SW British Columbia, Canada, on Burrard Inlet of the Strait of Georgia, opposite Vancouver, of which it is a suburb. Shipbuilding, woodworking…

Fort Saint John

(Encyclopedia) Fort Saint John, town, NE British Columbia, Canada, on the Peace River and the Alaska Highway. A North West Company post established in…

Assiniboine, Mount

(Encyclopedia) Assiniboine, Mount, 11,870 ft (3,618 m) high, on the British Columbia–Alta. line, Canada, on the Continental Divide in the Rocky Mts. It is the focal point of Mt. Assiniboine…

Vernon, city, Canada

(Encyclopedia) Vernon, city (1991 pop. 23,514), S British Columbia, Canada, near the north end of Okanagan Lake. The center of a fruit-growing and dairying area, it has packing and dehydrating plants…


(Encyclopedia) Trail, city (1991 pop. 7,919), SE British Columbia, Canada, on the Columbia River just N of the Wash. border. It is a metal-smelting center for a mining area that produces lead, zinc,…

Pacific Rim National Park

(Encyclopedia) Pacific Rim National Park, 60 sq mi (155 sq km), along the west coast of Vancouver Island, near Ucluelet, SE British Columbia, Canada; est. 1971. The park includes Long Beach, several…


(Encyclopedia) Chilliwack Chilliwack chĭlˈĭwăk [key], district municipality, SW British Columbia, Canada, on the…

Hay, river, Canada

(Encyclopedia) Hay, river, c.530 mi (850 km) long, rising in several headstreams in NE British Columbia and NW Alta., Canada, and flowing generally NE through NW Alta., over Alexander Falls, and into…

Parsnip, river, Canada

(Encyclopedia) Parsnip, river, c.150 mi (240 km) long, rising in central British Columbia, Canada, and flowing northwest to join the Finlay River at Williston Lake and form the Peace River. Explored…

bighorn, in zoology

(Encyclopedia) bighorn or Rocky Mountain sheep, wild sheep, Ovis canadensis, of W North America, formerly plentiful in mountains from SW Canada to N Mexico. Indiscriminate hunting, disease, and…