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Highest Waterfalls of the World

The following table lists the world's tallest waterfalls including the name, location, source, and height. Officially, Angel Falls in Venezuela is the world's tallest waterfall with an uninterrupted…

May 2020 Current Events: World News

Top of Page Science and Technology News | Disaster News | US News The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the world news…


  Capital: Olympia Official Name: The State of Washington Organized as a territory: March 2, 1853 Entered Union (rank): November 11, 1889 (42nd) Present constitution adopted: 1889 State…

salmon, in zoology

(Encyclopedia) salmonsalmonsămˈən [key], member of the Salmonidae, a family of marine fish that spawn in freshwater, including the salmons, the trouts, and the chars (subfamily Salmoninae), the…

North American Native art

(Encyclopedia) North American Native art, diverse traditional arts of Native North Americans. In recent years Native American arts have become commodities collected and marketed by nonindigenous…

Washington, state, United States

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Washington, state in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. It is bordered by Idaho (E); Oregon, with the Columbia River marking much of the boundary (S); the Pacific Ocean…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 CE5 Canada Canada kănˈədə [key], independent nation (2020 est. pop. 37,742,154), 3,851,787 sq…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 AlaskaAlaskaəlăˈskə [key], largest in area of the United States but one of the smallest in population, occupying the northwest extremity of the North American continent,…