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Wordsworth, Christopher

(Encyclopedia) Wordsworth, Christopher, 1774–1846, English clergyman, educator, and writer; youngest brother of William Wordsworth. He was master of Trinity College, Cambridge, from 1820 to 1841.…


(Encyclopedia) PandulfPandulfpănˈdŭlfˌ [key], Ital. Pandolfo, d. 1226, Italian churchman. He was first sent to England in 1211 by Pope Innocent III on an unsuccessful mission to settle the pope's…

Cooke, Terence James

(Encyclopedia) Cooke, Terence James, 1921–83, American Roman Catholic clergyman, b. New York City. He was ordained in 1945 after earning a B.A. from St. Joseph's Seminary in Yonkers, N.Y. In 1957,…

Cotton, George Edward Lynch

(Encyclopedia) Cotton, George Edward Lynch, 1813–66, English clergyman and educator, grad. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1836. From 1837 until 1852 he was an assistant master at Rugby and is the “young…

Ingram, Arthur Foley Winnington

(Encyclopedia) Ingram, Arthur Foley WinningtonIngram, Arthur Foley Winningtonĭngˈgrəm [key], 1858–1946, English prelate, bishop of London (1901–39). He was a lifelong leader in social work in London'…

King, Henry

(Encyclopedia) King, Henry, 1592–1669, English poet. He became bishop of Chichester in 1642. Elegies constitute nearly half his work, his most notable being “The Exequy,” written on the death of his…


(Encyclopedia) VäxjöVäxjövĕkˈshöˌ [key], city (1990 pop. 46,740), capital of Kronoberg co., S Sweden. Manufactures include paper, textiles, furniture, matches, and machines. An old city, Växjö became…


(Encyclopedia) Wulfstan, d. 1023, English churchman, archbishop of York (1003–1023) and bishop of Worcester, whose Latin name was Lupus. He is buried at Ely. Homilies are attributed to him, but most…

Palladius, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Palladius, SaintPalladius, Saintpəlāˈdēəs [key], d. 431, first bishop of Ireland. Probably of Gallo-Roman origin, Palladius was sent (431) by Pope Celestine I to proselytize among the…


(Encyclopedia) AvitusAvitusəvīˈtəs [key], d. 456?, Roman emperor of the West (455–56). He was proclaimed emperor in Gaul with the support of the Visigoths but was deposed by Ricimer. He was elected…