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Brewer's: Robin Hood

is first mentioned by the Scottish historian Fordun, who died in 1386. According to Stow, he was an outlaw in the reign of Richard I. (twelfth century). He entertained one hundred tall men…

The Miser in the Bush

The Miser in the Bush A farmer had a faithful and diligent servant, who had worked hard for him three years, without having been paid any wages. At last it came into the man's head that he…

Brewer's: Macsycophant

(Sir Pertinax). In The Man of the World, by Charles Macklin, Sir Pertinax “bowed, and bowed, and bowed,” and cringed, and fawned, to obtain the object of his ambition. Source: Dictionary…

Brewer's: Longbow

To draw the longbow. To exaggerate. The force of an arrow in the longbow depends on the strength of the arm that draws it, so the force of a statement depends on the force of the speaker's…

2,000 Years of the Necktie: Lord Byron's Legacy

Lord Byron's Legacy by David Johnson Neckties Through the Ages Introduction210 B.C.China's First Emperor 113 A.D.Did Romans Wear Ties? 17th CenturyCroatian Cravats for the King of France…

Brewer's: Red-breasts

Bow Street runners, who wore a scarlet waistcoat. “The Bow Street runners ceased out of the land soon after the introduction of the new police. I remember them very well as standing about…

Bobby Bowden

Bobby BowdenBorn: Nov. 8, 1929Football coached Florida St. to 2 national titles (1993,99); entered 2002 season with 323 wins including a 18-6-1 bowl record in 36 years as coach at Samford,…