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2001 World History

Yasir Arafat(1929–2004)Ariel Sharon(1928– )Mohammad Khatami(1943–)World Trade CenterHamid Karzai(1957– )2001Congo president Laurent Kabila assassinated by bodyguard (Jan. 16). In final days…

January 1998 News and Events

1998 News Month-By-Month World Netanyahu Survives Parliamentary Test (Jan. 4): Israeli Prime Minister's majority threatened by resignation of Foreign Minister David Levy. (Jan. 5): Netanyahu…

February 1998 News and Events

1998 News Month-By-MonthWorldAlbright Scolds Middle East Leaders (Feb. 1): Secretary of State rebukes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat over delay…

May 2001 News and Events

WorldPope Visits Middle East (May 5 et seq.): John Paul II greeted in Syria by new president, Bashar al-Assad, who publicly accuses Israel of torturing and murdering Palestinians. U.S.…

Safest and Most Dangerous U.S. Cities, 2007

The following table ranks the safest and most dangerous cities in the United States as of 2007. The cities all have populations of more than 75,000. The rankings are based on a city's rate…

NCAA I-AA Independents

NCAA I-AA Independents WLTPFPA*Troy St1110446168*Hofstra1020393150Hampton830343221St. Mary's-CA820334230Wagner820276221Liberty830352203Monmouth730288118Robert Morris640270159Jacksonville St.…

Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children

Source: National Education Association (NEA). Web: . This list was compiled from an online survey by the NEA in 1999. See also Kids' Top 100 Favorite…

Safest and Most Dangerous U.S. Cities, 2008

The following table ranks the safest and most dangerous cities in the United States as of 2008. The cities all have populations of more than 75,000. The rankings are based on a city's rate…