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Brewer's: Bessemer Iron

Pig-iron refined, and converted into steel or malleable iron by passing currents of air through the molten metal, according to a process discovered by Sir H. Bessemer, and patented in 1856…

Brewer's: Bessus

A cowardly, bragging captain, a sort of Bobadil (q.v.). (Beaumont and Fletcher: A King and no King.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894BestBessie Bell and Mary…


(Encyclopedia) tonsuretonsuretŏnˈshər [key] [Lat.,=to shave], formerly, practice in some Christian churches of cutting some of the hair from the scalp of clerics. In the West the tonsure consisted of…

The Wright Brothers Centennial

A Century of Flight The Wright Brothers first flight at Kitty Hawk Wilbur and Orville Wright with their second powered machine; Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio Orville Wright, Major John F.…

Tikhonov, Viktor Vasilyevich

(Encyclopedia) Tikhonov, Viktor Vasilyevich, 1930–2014, Soviet and Russian ice hockey player and coach, b. Moscow. As a defenseman (1949–63), he won four national championships (1951–54) with the…


The National Women's Hall of Fame is the only national membership organization that honors and celebrates the achievements of American women. Founded in 1969 in Seneca Falls, New York,…

Parcells, Bill

(Encyclopedia) Parcells, Bill, 1941–, American football coach, b. Englewood, N.J., as Duane Charles Parcells, nicknamed “the Big Tuna.” He played for Colgate and Wichita State before being drafted (…

monsters and imaginary beasts

(Encyclopedia) monsters and imaginary beasts. The mythologies and legends of ancient and modern cultures teem with an enormous variety of monsters and imaginary beasts. A great number of these are…