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Rainey, Gertrude "Ma"

(Encyclopedia) Rainey, Gertrude "Ma," 1886–1939, African-American blues singer and songwriter, b. Columbus, Ga., as Gertrude Melissa Nix Pridgett.…

Brewer's: Bessie Bell and Mary Gray

A ballad. The tale is that these two young ladies, natives of Perth, to avoid the plague of 1666, retired to a rural retreat called the Burnbraes, about a mile from Lynedock, the residence…

Kicked in the Head

Director: Matthew HarrisonWriters: Kevin Corrigan and Matthew HarrisonDirectors of Photography:John Thomas and Howard KrupaEditor:Michael BerenbaumMusic:Stephen EndelmanProduction Designer:…

Brewer's: Head

(Latin, caput; Saxon, hedfod; Scotch, hafet; contracted into head.) Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse. Better be foremost amongst commoners than the lowest of the…

Edith Head

"Gowns by Edith Head" was one of the most-seen motion picture credits of the 20th century. She was Oscar-nominated an amazing 35 times, winning a total of eight best costume design Oscars for her…

Head Above Water

Director: Jim WilsonWriter: Theresa MarieDirector of Photography:Richard BowenEditor:Michael R. MillerMusic:Christopher YoungProduction Designer:Jeffrey BeecroftProducers:Jim Wilson and John…

Brewer's: Head of Cattle

Cattle are counted by the head; manufacturing labourers by hands, as “How many hands do you employ?” horses by the nose (See Nose); guests at dinner by the cover, as “Covers for ten,” etc…

Brewer's: Head and Ears

Over head and ears [in debt, in love, etc.], completely; entirely. The allusion is to a person immersed in water. The French phrase is “Avoir des dettes pardessus la tete.” Source:…

Brewer's: Head and Shoulders

A phrase of sundry shades of meaning. Thus “head and shoulders taller” means considerably tall; to turn one out head and shoulders means to drive one out forcibly and without ceremony.…

Brewer's: Heads or Tails

Guess whether the coin tossed up will come down with headside uppermost or not. The side not bearing the head has various devices, sometimes Britannia, sometimes George and the Dragon,…