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Best American Journalism of the 20th Century

The following works were chosen as the 20th century's best American journalism by a panel of experts assembled by New York University's journalism department.John Hersey: “Hiroshima,” The…

Presidents' Occupations

This table provides information about the occupations held by U.S. Presidents before and after their time in office. /**/ PresidentMajor Jobs Before the PresidencyJobs After the…

Performing Arts Timeline

534 B.C.Thespis wins the first public contest for tragic poets in Greece, and the term thespian derives from his name. He also introduces masks, which become a staple of Greek and Roman…


Learn more about the leaders of the free world Find information about U.S. presidents, including party affiliation, term in office, age at inauguration, age at death, and more.   Name and (…

National Historic Sites

Name and location Total acreageAbraham Lincoln Birthplace (Ky.) 344.50Allegheny Portage Railroad (Pa.) 1,249.20Andersonville (Ga.) 494.61Andrew Johnson (Tenn.) 16.68Bent's Old Fort (Colo.)…

Civil Rights Movement Timeline

Top of Page Source: Getty ImagesFrom small acts of defiance to mass marches and meetings, the civil rights movement fought for positive change and won. The movement was formed by people in the 1950s…

Presidential Elections, 1789-2020

Election results for every election, from 1789 to the present. Includes all candidates, their parties, number of electoral and popular votes. For the original method of electing the president and…

Writing Well: Narrative Building Blocks

Narrative Building BlocksWriting WellTell Me a Story: NarrationNarrative Building BlocksGet Cookin'!Life Line: Personal Narratives Author! Author! When a person is surrounded by disciples, Oscar…