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(Encyclopedia) Brooklyn Brooklyn br&oobreve;kˈlĭn [key], borough of New York City (2020 pop. 2,736,074), 71 sq mi…

Florida Map: Regions, Geography, Facts & Figures

Florida, commonly referred to as the Sunshine State, is situated in the southeastern region of the United States. Covering an area of over 65,000 square miles, it is the 22nd largest state in the U.S…

Caribbean Map: Regions, Geography, Facts & Figures

The Caribbean islands is a region located east of Central America in the Caribbean Sea, and has a rich history and culture that dates back to the 15th century. The area consists of over 700 islands,…


(Encyclopedia) Galveston Galveston gălˈvəstən [key], city (2020 pop. 50,546), seat of Galveston co., on Galveston…

marine engine

(Encyclopedia) marine engine, machine for the propulsion of watercraft. The earliest marine power plants, reciprocating steam engines, were used almost exclusively until the early 1900s. In later…


(Encyclopedia) dune, mound or ridge of wind-blown sand formed in arid regions and along coasts. Dunes are common in most of the great deserts of the world. Often a dune begins to form because…


(Encyclopedia) flea, common name for any of the small, wingless insects of the order Siphonaptera. The adults of both sexes eat only blood and are all external parasites of mammals and birds. Fleas…


(Encyclopedia) VendéeVendéeväNdāˈ [key], department (1990 pop. 509,356), W France, on the Bay of Biscay, in Poitou. The offshore islands of Noirmoutier and Yeu are included in the department. Largely…


(Encyclopedia) pidginpidginpĭjˈən [key], a lingua franca that is not the mother tongue of anyone using it and that has a simplified grammar and a restricted, often polyglot vocabulary. The earliest…

Oaxaca, state, Mexico

(Encyclopedia) OaxacaOaxacawähäˈkä [key], state (1990 pop. 3,019,560), 36,375 sq mi (94,211 sq km), S Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean and its arm, the Gulf of Tehuantepec. Oaxaca is the capital. The…