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Acts of the Apostles
(Encyclopedia) Acts of the Apostles, book of the New Testament. It is the only 1st-century account of the expansion of Christianity in its earliest period. It was written in Greek anonymously as…Rhine, Confederation of the
(Encyclopedia) Rhine, Confederation of the: see Confederation of the Rhine.Rehoboth, in the Bible
(Encyclopedia) RehobothRehobothrĭhōˈbəth [key] [Heb.,=broad places]. 1 As occurring in the Book of Genesis, well dug by Isaac. 2 City of Assyria, or possibly a part of Nineveh, mentioned in Genesis.…Salem, in the Bible
(Encyclopedia) SalemSalemsāˈləm [key] [Heb.,=peace], in the Bible, royal city of Melchizedek, traditionally identified with Jerusalem.Salmon, in the Bible
(Encyclopedia) SalmonSalmonsălˈmŏn [key], in the Bible. 1 Father of Boaz. An alternate form is Salma. 2 Place, probably the same as Zalmon.Schism of the West
(Encyclopedia) Schism of the West: see Schism, Great.Adalia, in the Bible
(Encyclopedia) AdaliaAdaliaădəlīˈə [key], in the Bible, one of Haman's sons.sea, law of the
(Encyclopedia) sea, law of the, international agreement regulating the use and exploitation of the world's oceans. The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982) calls for limited, and strictly…Seth, in the Bible
(Encyclopedia) Seth, in the Bible, son of Adam and Eve, father of Enosh. In the chronology in the Gospel of St. Luke, Seth is an ancestor of Jesus. The Nag Hammadi codices preserve revelatory…Shamir, in the Bible
(Encyclopedia) ShamirShamirshāˈmĭr [key], in the Bible. 1 In 1 Chronicles, Levite serving in the Temple. 2 In Joshua, unidentified town, S Palestine. 3 In Judges, unidentified place, E Palestine,…