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Jamaica Bay

(Encyclopedia) Jamaica Bay, c.20 sq mi (50 sq km), SW Long Island, SE N.Y., separated from the Atlantic Ocean by Rockaway Peninsula; the Rockaway Inlet links it to the sea. The shallow bay has many…

Saint Marys, rivers, United States and Canada

(Encyclopedia) Saint Marys. 1 River, c.175 mi (280 km) long, rising in Okefenokee Swamp, SE Ga., and flowing, with a great southern bend, E to the Atlantic Ocean. It forms part of the Georgia–Florida…


(Encyclopedia) Fredericton, city, provincial capital, S central N.B., Canada, on the St. John River. It is a commercial, administrative, and academic…

Guinea, Gulf of

(Encyclopedia) Guinea, Gulf ofGuinea, Gulf ofgĭnˈē [key], large open arm of the Atlantic Ocean formed by the great bend of the coast of W Africa. It extends from the western coast of Côte d'Ivoire to…

Belle Isle, Strait of

(Encyclopedia) Belle Isle, Strait ofBelle Isle, Strait ofbĕlīlˈ [key], c.35 mi (60 km) long and from 10 to 15 mi (16–24 km) wide, between the island of Newfoundland and Labrador-Ungava peninsula,…


(Encyclopedia) Teneriffe or TenerifeTeneriffeboth: tĕnˈərĭf, tĕnərēfˈ, Span. tānārēˈfā [key], island (1990 pop. 770,627), 795 sq mi (2,059 sq km), in the Atlantic off NW Africa, the largest of the…

Bras d'Or Lake

(Encyclopedia) Bras d'Or LakeBras d'Or Lakebrä dôr [key], arm of the Atlantic Ocean, c.360 sq mi (930 sq km), indenting deeply into Cape Breton Island, N.S., SE Canada, and occupying much of the…

Bristol Channel

(Encyclopedia) Bristol Channel, inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, c.85 mi (140 km) long and from 5 to 50 mi (8.1–80 km) wide, stretching westward from the mouth of the River Severn and separating Wales…


(Encyclopedia) Agadir Agadir ägädērˈ, ăgədērˈ [key], city, SW Morocco, on the Atlantic Ocean. Agadir has metal-processing industries and exports fruit and vegetables. While…


(Encyclopedia) Blackbeard, d. 1718, English pirate. His name was probably Edward Teach, Thatch, or Thach. He probably began as a privateer in the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–14), then turned…