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Displaying 161 - 170

Sara Teasdale: Spring Torrents

Spring TorrentsWill it always be like this until I am dead, Every spring must I bear it all again With the first red haze of the budding maple boughs, And the first sweet-smelling rain?Oh I…

Walt Whitman: These I Singing in Spring

These I Singing in SpringThese I singing in spring collect for lovers, (For who but I should understand lovers and all their sorrow and joy? And who but I should be the poet of comrades?)…

A Boy's Will: A Prayer in Spring

by Robert Frost To the Thawing WindFlower-gatheringA Prayer in Spring He discovers that the greatness of love lies not in forward-looking thoughts; OH, give us pleasure in the flowers…

Sara Teasedale: Spring Night

Spring NightThe park is filled with night and fog, The veils are drawn about the world, The drowsy lights along the paths Are dim and pearled.Gold and gleaming the empty streets,…

Christina Rossetti: Another Spring

Another SpringIf I might see another Spring I'd not plant summer flowers and wait: I'd have my crocuses at once, My leafless pink mezereons, My chill-veined snowdrops, choicer yet My…

Christina Rossetti: Spring Quiet

Spring QuietGone were but the Winter, Come were but the Spring, I would go to a covert Where the birds sing;Where in the whitethorn Singeth a thrush, And a robin sings In the holly-…

George Sterling: Spring in Carmel

Spring in CarmelGeorge SterlingO'er Carmel fields in the springtime the sea-gulls follow the plow. White, white wings on the blue above! White were your brow and breast, O Love! But I…

William Griffith: Spring Song

Spring SongWilliam GriffithSoftly at dawn a whisper stole Down from the Green House on the Hill, Enchanting many a ghostly bole And wood-song with the ancient thrill.Gossiping on the…