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British Isles

(Encyclopedia) British Isles: see Great Britain; Ireland.

British Library

(Encyclopedia) British Library, national library of Great Britain, located in London; one of the world's great libraries. Long a part of the British Museum, the library collection originated in 1753…

British Museum

(Encyclopedia) British Museum, the national repository in London for treasures in science and art. Located in the Bloomsbury section of the city, it has departments of antiquities, prints and…


(Encyclopedia) GudrunGudrung&oobreve;ˈdr&oobreve;n [key] or KudrunGudrunk&oobreve;ˈ– [key], in Germanic literature. 1 Heroine of the Icelandic epic, the Volsungasaga. 2 Heroine and title…

Hebrews, book of the New Testament

(Encyclopedia) Hebrews, an anonymous New Testament homily with closing greetings normally associated with the letter genre, written before c.a.d. 96. It is addressed to Jewish Christians who were…


(Encyclopedia) PanchatantraPanchatantrapŭnˌchətŭnˈtrə [key] [Sanskrit,=five treatises], anonymous collection of animal fables in Sanskrit literature, probably compiled before a.d. 500 (see Bidpai).…