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British North America Act

(Encyclopedia) British North America Act, law passed by the British Parliament in 1867 that provided for the unification of the Canadian provinces into the dominion of Canada. Until 1982 the act also…

Bounty, British naval vessel

(Encyclopedia) Bounty, British naval vessel, a 220-ton (200-metric-ton), 85-ft (26-m) cutter, commanded by William Bligh. She set sail for the Pacific in Dec., 1787, to transport breadfruit trees…

Stuart, British royal family

(Encyclopedia) Stuart or Stewart, royal family that ruled Scotland and England. The Stuart lineage began in a family of hereditary stewards of Scotland, the earliest of whom was Walter (d. 1177),…

Windsor, British royal house

(Encyclopedia) WindsorWindsorwĭnˈzər [key], name of the royal house of Great Britain. The name Wettin, family name of Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, consort of Queen Victoria, as well as Saxe-Coburg-…

Paterson, William, British financier

(Encyclopedia) Paterson, William, 1658–1719, British financier. By the time of the Glorious Revolution (1688–89, which he supported), he had acquired considerable wealth and influence through foreign…

Smith, John, British politician

(Encyclopedia) Smith, John, 1938–94, British politician. A barrister, he was first elected to Parliament in 1970 as a Labour party member from Scotland. He served as secretary for trade in 1970 and…

The True George Washington: Physique

PhysiqueContemporary DescriptionsWriting to his London tailor for clothes, in 1763, Washington directed him to "take measure of a gentleman who wares well-made cloaths of the following size:…

Eating Disorders

Signs and symptoms Related Links Eating Disorders: An Overview The Eating Disordered Athlete Eating Disorders: Profile of a Sufferer Eating Disorders:…

Primary Colors

Director/Producer:Mike NicholsWriter:Elaine MayDirector of Photography:Michael BallhausEditor:Arthur SchmidtMusic:Ry CooderProduction Designer:Bo WelchUniversal; R; 140 minutesRelease:3/…