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Why is it called the British Museum?

The Question: Dumb question, but I haven't seen any direct answer about this. Why is it called the British Museum when it's not mostly about British things? I've heard plenty of people joke about…

British Royalty - Royal Delivery

      Royal Delivery   The world watches and welcomes Prince William and Catherine's first born, a boy named George Alexander Louis.   Related Links Prince William and Kate…

British and American English Quiz

Dive into the fascinating world of regional dialects and diversity. This intriguing quiz explores the differences between British and American English. Unravel the linguistic mystery and learn…

Ancren Riwle

(Encyclopedia) Ancren RiwleAncren Riwleängˈkrĕn rēˈ&oomacr;lə [key] or Ancrene WisseAncrene Wisseängˈkrĕnə wĭsˈə [key] [Mid. Eng.,=anchoresses' rule], English tract written c.1200 by an anonymous…

self-help group

(Encyclopedia) self-help group, nonprofessional organization formed by people with a common problem or situation, for the purpose of pooling resources, gathering information, and offering mutual…


(Encyclopedia) pseudonympseudonyms&oomacr;ˈdənĭm [key] [Gr.,=false name], name assumed, particularly by writers, to conceal identity. A writer's pseudonym is also referred to as a nom de plume (…

British Cameroons

(Encyclopedia) British Cameroons: see Nigeria, Federation of; Cameroon, Republic of.

British Columbia

(Encyclopedia) CE5 British Columbia, province, 366,255 sq mi (948,600 sq km), including 6,976 sq mi (18,068 sq km) of water surface, W Canada.…

British Empire

(Encyclopedia) British Empire, overseas territories linked to Great Britain in a variety of constitutional relationships, established over a period of three centuries. The establishment of the empire…