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Displaying 331 - 340

Brewer's: R.A.P

Rupees, annas, and pies, in India; corresponding to our s. d. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894R.I.PR A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V…

Women's Olympic Luge

SinglesYear Time1964 Ortrun Enderlein, GER 3:24.67 1968 Erica Lechner, ITA 2:28.66 1972 Anna-Maria Müller, E. Ger 2:59.18 1976 Margit Schumann, E. Ger 2:50.6211980 Vera Zozulya, USSR 2:…

Most Popular Kids' Names in America

The most popular names of the last century If you had taken a random survey of names in a playground at the turn of the century, you might have counted a fair number of Johns and even an Ethel or…

1993 Tony Awards

PlayAngels in America: Millennium ApproachesMusicalKiss of the Spider Woman—The MusicalRevivalAnna ChristieActor—PlayRon Leibman, Angels in America: Millennium ApproachesActress—PlayMadeline…

1998 Tony Awards

The Tony Awards, honoring distinguished achievement in Broadway theater, were presented on June 1, 1998, at New York City's Radio City Music Hall.Play: ArtMusical: The Lion KingRevival—Play…

Brewer's: Joachim

(St.). The father of the Virgin Mary. Generally represented as an old man carrying in a basket two turtle-doves, in allusion to the offering made for the purification of his daughter. His…