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Fielding, Henry

(Encyclopedia) Fielding, Henry, 1707–54, English novelist and dramatist. Born of a distinguished family, he was educated at Eton and studied law at Leiden. Settling in London in 1729, he began…

William Segar ARCHER, Congress, VA (1789-1855)

Senate Years of Service: 1841-1847 Party: Whig ARCHER William Segar , a Representative and a Senator from Virginia; born at "The Lodge," Amelia County, Va., March 5, 1789; received private…

1995 Gramophone Awards

Concerto (Record of the Year)Prokofiev and Shostakovich, Violin Concertos No. 1, Mstislav Rostropovich conducting London Symphony Orchestra; solo: Vengerov (EMI)Baroque VocalRameau, Les…

Brewer's: Great Men

(Social status of). ÆSOP, a manumitted slave. ARKWRIGHT (Sir Richard), a barber. BEACONSFIELD (Lord), a solicitor's clerk. BLOOMFIELD, a cobbler, son of a tailor. BUNYAN, a travelling…

July 2017 Current Events: U.S. News

Top of Page Disaster News | Science & Technology News | World News There's always something going on in the United States, and trying to keep track of it all can be a nightmare. Luckily,…

Places Where Women Made History

Some people consider the single most important place in U.S. women's history to be Seneca Falls, New York, where on July 19, 1848, the first women's rights convention was held. Seneca Falls…

The Wright Brothers Centennial

A Century of Flight The Wright Brothers first flight at Kitty Hawk Wilbur and Orville Wright with their second powered machine; Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio Orville Wright, Major John F.…

Brewer's: Celadon

The lover of Amelia, a “matchless beauty.” Being overtaken by a storm, Amelia became alarmed, but Celadon, folding her in his arms, exclaimed, “ `Tis safety to be near thee, sure, and thus…

Howland Island

Island of the Earhart mystery     Desolate Howland was celebrated aviator Amelia Earhart's final destination. Where Is It? A sandy speck in the middle of the North Pacific,…

James JONES, Congress, VA (1772-1848)

JONES James , a Representative from Virginia; born in Nottoway Parish, Amelia (now Nottoway) County, Va., on December 11, 1772; graduated from Hampden-Sidney College, Virginia, in 1791, and the…