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Rose E. Bird Biography
Rose E. BirdAge: 63 liberal California judge who became the first woman chief justice of the state's supreme court. Gov. Jerry Brown appointed her chief justice in 1977, but California voters…Paul E. Tsongas Biography
Paul E. TsongasAge: 55 former Massachusetts Senator. Only presidential candidate in 1992 Democratic campaign to offer painful but realistic solutions to economic problems. Died: Jan. 18, 1997…Daniel E. Provost Biography
Daniel E. ProvostAge: 78 tobacco executive who led Liggett & Myers campaign against allegations that smoking is harmful. Died: Oct. 13, 1997.V. S. Pritchett1997 DeathsArthur Prysock…E. Howard Hunt Biography
CIA agentDied: January 23, 2007 (Miami, Florida) Best Known as: White House secret agent involved in Watergate scandal Former CIA spy and secret agent for…Harburg, E. Y. Yip
songwriterBirthplace: New York CityBorn: 1896Died: 1981A. E. Housman: 1887
1887From Clee to heaven the beacon burns, The shires have seen it plain, From north and south the sign returns And beacons burn again.Look left, look right, the hills are bright, The dales…A. E. Housman: Introduction
Introduction The method of the poems in A Shropshire Lad illustrates better than any theory how poetry may assume the attire of reality, and yet in speech of the simplest, become in spirit…A. E. Housman: March
MarchThe sun at noon to higher air, Unharnessing the silver Pair That late before his chariot swam, Rides on the gold wool of the Ram.So braver notes the storm-cock sings To start the rusted…A. E. Housman: Reveille
ReveilleWake: the silver dusk returning Up the beach of darkness brims, And the ship of sunrise burning Strands upon the eastern rims.Wake: the vaulted shadow shatters, Trampled to the…A. E. Housman: The Recruit
The RecruitLeave your home behind, lad, And reach your friends your hand, And go, and luck go with you While Ludlow tower shall stand.Oh, come you home of Sunday When Ludlow streets are…