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Pugachev, Emelian Ivanovich

(Encyclopedia) Pugachev, Emelian IvanovichPugachev, Emelian Ivanovichyĭmĭlyänˈ ēväˈnəvĭch p&oomacr;gəchôfˈ [key], c.1742–75, Russian peasant leader, head of the peasant rebellion of 1773–74. A…


(Encyclopedia) parapsychology, study of mental phenomena not explainable by accepted principles of science. The organized, scientific investigation of paranormal phenomena began with the foundation (…

ice dancing

(Encyclopedia) ice dancing, ice-skating competition in which couples are required to perform dance routines to music. The sport gained popularity in the 1930s and the first world championships were…


(Encyclopedia) suprematism, Russian art movement founded (1913) by Casimir Malevich in Moscow, parallel to constructivism. Malevich drew Aleksandr Rodchenko and El Lissitzky to his revolutionary,…

Alekseyev, Mikhail Vasilyevich

(Encyclopedia) Alekseyev, Mikhail VasilyevichAlekseyev, Mikhail Vasilyevichmēkhəēlˈvəsēˈlyəvĭch əlyĭksyāˈəf [key], 1857–1918, Russian general, chief of staff (1915–17) of Czar Nicholas II. With other…

Eugene Onegin

Music:Peter Ilyich TchaikovskyLibretto:Tchaikovsky and K. S. Shilovsky, based on the poem by PushkinPremiere:Moscow, March 29, 1879 Tchaikovsky himself is said to have been enamored of the…

Boris Godunov (Opera)

Music:Modest MussorgskyLibretto:from the play by Alexander Pushkin and Nikolai Karamzin's History of the Russian StatePremiere:St. Petersburg, January 27, 1874 The most majestic of all…

Akhmatova, Anna

(Encyclopedia) Akhmatova, AnnaAkhmatova, Annaänˈnə əkhmäˈtəvə [key], pseud. of Anna Andreyevna GorenkoAnna Andreyevna Gorenkoəndrāˈəvnə gôryĕngˈkô [key], 1888–1966, Russian poet of the Acmeist school…

Russian American Company

(Encyclopedia) Russian American Company, colonial trading company, chartered by Czar Paul I in 1799. The charter granted the merchant-dominated company monopoly trading privileges in Russian America…

Shelekhov, Grigori Ivanovich

(Encyclopedia) Shelekhov, Grigori IvanovichShelekhov, Grigori Ivanovichgrĭgôˈrē ēväˈnəvĭch shĕˈlyĭkhəf [key], 1747–95, Russian fur trader in North America, b. Rylsk, Ukraine. He had built up a large…