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Rama's Bridge
(Encyclopedia) Rama's Bridge: see Adam's Bridge.Adam's Bridge
(Encyclopedia) Adam's Bridge or Rama's BridgeRama's Bridgeräˈmə [key], chain of shoals, c.18 mi (30 km) long, SW Palk Strait, between India and island nation of Sri Lanka. At high tide it is covered…original sin
(Encyclopedia) original sin, in Christian theology, the sin of Adam, by which all humankind fell from divine grace. Saint Augustine was the fundamental theologian in the formulation of this doctrine…Abel, son of Adam and Eve, in the Bible
(Encyclopedia) Abel, in the Bible, son of Adam and Eve, a shepherd, killed by his older brother, Cain; in the Gospel of St. Matthew, mentioned as the first martyr.Malik, Adam
(Encyclopedia) Malik, AdamMalik, Adammälˈēk [key], 1917–84, Indonesian government official. A militant nationalist as a youth, he helped to found a news bureau that eventually became the official…Hepplewhite, George
(Encyclopedia) Hepplewhite, GeorgeHepplewhite, Georgehĕpˈəlhwīt [key], d. 1786, English cabinetmaker and furniture designer. His style is characterized by light, curvilinear forms, painted or inlaid…Y Chromosome Adam
(Encyclopedia) Y Chromosome Adam, in genetics, a theoretical male ancestor of all living people; see Eve, in genetics.Adam, in genetics
(Encyclopedia) Adam, in genetics, popular term for a theoretical male ancestor of all living people; see Eve, in genetics.Adams, Don
actorBirthplace: New York CityBorn: 1926Died: 2005Adams, Edie
(Edie Enke)actressBirthplace: Kingston, Pa.Born: 4/16/29