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(Encyclopedia) angelangelānˈjəl [key], [Gr.,=messenger], bodiless, immortal spirit, limited in knowledge and power, accepted in the traditional belief of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and other…Pindar
(Encyclopedia) PindarPindarpĭnˈdər [key], 518?–c.438 b.c., Greek poet, generally regarded as the greatest Greek lyric poet. A Boeotian of noble birth, he lived principally at Thebes. He traveled…ode
(Encyclopedia) ode, elaborate and stately lyric poem of some length. The ode dates back to the Greek choral songs that were sung and danced at public events and celebrations. The Greek odes of Pindar…executive order
(Encyclopedia) executive order, in the United States, official document initiated and signed by the president containing directives concerning how the executive branch shall carry out its…Biographies of Notable Civil War Figures
A-H | I-M | N-S | T-Z Abraham Lincoln Related Links Gettysburg Primer Battle of Gettysburg Fact Sheet The Deadliest Battles in the…History of Slavery in America | Civics: Links to History
Links to History: History of Slavery in America 1615 1619 The first enslaved Africans arrive in Virginia. 1620 1785 1787 Slavery is made illegal in the Northwest Territory. The…The Executive Branch
The White House has been the traditional home of the president since 1800. The U.S. Presidency is one of the most powerful positions in the world. Read about the varied men who have held this job,…Brewer's: Abesta
A book said to have been written by Abraham as a commentary on the Zend and the Pazend. It is furthermore said that Abraham read these three books in the midst of the furnace into which he…Manasseh: 1
Manasseh Chapter 1 1 O Lord, Almighty God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and of their righteous seed; 2 who hast made heaven and earth, with all the ornament thereof; 3 who hast…Brewer's: Abracax
also written Abraxas or Abrasax, in Persian mythology denotes the Supreme Being. In Greek notation it stands for 365. In Persian mythology Abracax presides over 365 impersonated virtues,…