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Nicolay, John George
(Encyclopedia) Nicolay, John GeorgeNicolay, John Georgenĭkˈəlā [key], 1832–1901, biographer of Lincoln, b. Bavaria. In 1837 he was brought to the United States, and his family settled in Pike co.,…Rebecca
(Encyclopedia) Rebecca or RebekahRebeccaboth: rēbĕkˈə [key], wife of Isaac and mother of Jacob. One day, as was her custom, she drew water at the city well; while there she showed kindness to Eliezer…Keturah
(Encyclopedia) KeturahKeturahkēty&oomacr;ˈrə [key], in the Bible, mother of six sons of Abraham.Kadmonites
(Encyclopedia) KadmonitesKadmoniteskădˈmənīts [key], in the Bible, unidentified tribe whose land was promised to Abraham's descendants.Aner
(Encyclopedia) AnerAnerāˈnər [key], in the Bible. 1 Ally of Abraham. 2 Levitical town, E of the Jordan.Milcah
(Encyclopedia) MilcahMilcahmĭlˈkə [key], in the Bible. 1 Wife of Abraham's brother Nahor. 2 Daughter and coheiress of Zelophehad.Hamor
(Encyclopedia) HamorHamorhāˈmôr [key], in the Bible, head of the family from whom Abraham bought his tomb. An alternate form is Emmor.Jehovah-jireh
(Encyclopedia) Jehovah-jirehJehovah-jirehjəhōˈvə-jīˈrē [key], in the Bible, Abraham's name for the spot where the angel prevented the sacrifice of Isaac.Geiger, Abraham
(Encyclopedia) Geiger, AbrahamGeiger, Abrahamgīˈgər [key], 1810–74, German rabbi, Semitic scholar and Orientalist, theologian, and foremost exponent of the Reform movement in Judaism. When he…Cowley, Abraham
(Encyclopedia) Cowley, AbrahamCowley, Abrahamk&oomacr;ˈlē, kouˈ– [key], 1618–67, one of the English metaphysical poets. He published his first volume of verse, Poetical Blossoms (1633), when he…