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Displaying 361 - 370

Warburg, Aby

(Encyclopedia) Warburg, Aby (Abraham Moritz Warburg), 1866–1929, German historian of art and culture, b. Hamburg, studied art history in Bonn, Munich, Florence, and Strasbourg, where he received a…

2000 Deaths: M - Q

Jean MacArthurCharles MacGillivaryJeff MacNellyConrad McRaeMeredith MacRaePercy McRaeConrad Marca-RelliNancy MarchandAlice Sheets MarriottDon MartinHelen MartinWalter MatthauStanley…

Gettysburg: Virtual Tour

Here's a walk-through of the Battle at Gettysburg by Jennie Wood Related Links Battle of Gettysburg Fact Sheet The Deadliest Battles in the Civil War…

The Importance of Juneteenth

On June 19th, 1865, Major General Gordon Granger led a band of troops to Galveston, Texas, to proclaim slavery abolished. It had been two months since the surrender of Robert E. Lee and the…

Cabinet Members of George W. Bush

2001-2009 by Beth Rowen Related Links Inaugural FactfileBiography: George W. BushPresidential Inaugural AddressesPresidential Inaugural Addresses: Length and Date of SpeechHow is a President…

Video Archive

KIDSPIRATION VIDEOS A variety of interesting subjects—kids interviewing professional experts about their unique jobs!     ANIMAL SENSES   Bear and Chipmunk: Hibernation Bulldog…


NBCSaturday 9:00–10:00 p.m.; canceledCast: Bruce Greenwood, Naomi Watts, Jeffrey D. Sams, Abraham Benrubi and Kathrin Nicholson The newest installment in NBC's Saturday night “Thrillogy”…

The Secret Life of Desmond Pfeiffer

UPNMonday 9:30–10:00 p.m.; canceledCast:Chi McBride Set in the Civil War, the sitcom chronicles the life and times of Pfeiffer (McBride), one of Abraham Lincoln's key advisors and the chief…

Y.A. Tittle

Y.A. TittleBorn: Oct. 24, 1926Football QB Yelberton Abraham Tittle played 17 years in AAFC and NFL; All-Pro 4 times; league MVP with San Francisco (1957) and NY Giants (1962); passed for 28,…

Elvis's Legacy

Is he in the building? by John Gettings Related Links The Best of Elvis (official site) Graceland (virtual tour) Music Timeline 500 Songs That Shaped Rock…