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Displaying 181 - 190

Brewer's: Prince of Wales

(The). This title arose thus: When Edward I. subdued Wales, he promised the Welsh, if they would lay down their arms, that he would give them a native prince. His queen having given birth…

Brewer's: Grammar

Zenodotos invented the terms singular, plural, and dual. The scholars of Alexandria and of the rival academy of Pergamos were the first to distinguish language into parts of speech, and to…

Brewer's: Buffs

The old 3rd regiment of foot soldiers. The men's coats were lined and faced with buff, they also wore buff waistcoats, buff breeches, and buff stockings. These are the “Old Buffs,” raised…

Brewer's: Crouchmas

from the Invention of the Cross to St. Helen's Day (May 3rd to August 18th). Not Christ-mas, but Cross-mas. Rogation Sunday is called Crouchmas Sunday, and Rogation week is called…