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(Encyclopedia) Fronto (Marcus Cornelius Fronto)Frontofrŏnˈtō [key], fl. 2d cent., Roman teacher and rhetorician, b. Numidia, Africa. Antoninus Pius made him consul in 143. A successful teacher and…

Chula Vista

(Encyclopedia) Chula Vista Chula Vista ch&oomacr;ˈlə [key], city (2020 pop. 275,487), San Diego co., S Calif., on…

Lake Placid

(Encyclopedia) Lake Placid, village (1990 pop. 2,485), Essex co., NE N.Y.; settled 1850, inc. 1900. In the Adirondack Mts. at an altitude of 1,800 ft (549 m), the village surrounds Mirror Lake. It is…

Lance, Bert

(Encyclopedia) Lance, Bert (Thomas Bertram Lance), 1931–2013, American banker and public official, b. Gainesville, Ga. He was one of Jimmy Carter's closest advisers during the 1976 presidential…

Laning, Edward

(Encyclopedia) Laning, EdwardLaning, Edwardlănˈĭng [key], 1906–1981, American painter, b. Petersburg, Ill., studied Art Institute of Chicago and Art Students League of New York. He is best known as a…

Ellison, Keith Maurice

(Encyclopedia) Ellison, Keith Maurice, 1963–, African-American politician, the first Muslim to be elected to the U.S. Congress; b. Detroit. A convert to Islam from Roman Catholicism while at Wayne…


(Encyclopedia) Ferrol Ferrol fārôlˈ [key], city, A Coruña prov., NW Spain, in Galicia. The naval base…

Blue Mountains, United States

(Encyclopedia) Blue Mountains, uplifted, eroded part of the Columbia Plateau, c.6,500 ft (1,980 m) high, NE Oreg. and SE Wash. Lava flows cover much of the surface. The upper, wooded slopes are used…

Whyte, William Hollingsworth

(Encyclopedia) Whyte, William Hollingsworth, 1917–99, b. West Chester, Pa. He graduated from Princeton (1939), then served in the Marine Corps (1941–45). Writing for Fortune magazine (1946–58), he…

Suzuki, Zenko

(Encyclopedia) Suzuki, Zenko, 1911–2004, Japanese politican. A founder of the ruling Liberal Democratic party (1955), he became prime minister on the death of Masayoshi Ohira (1980). Criticism from…