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Tibetan language

(Encyclopedia) Tibetan language, member of the Tibeto-Burman subfamily of the Sino-Tibetan family of languages (see Sino-Tibetan languages). It is spoken by 5 million people in the Tibet autonomous…


(Encyclopedia) schipperkeschipperkeskĭpˈərkē [key], a breed of small nonsporting dog developed in Belgium several hundred years ago. It stands about 13 in. (33 cm) high at the shoulder and weighs…


(Encyclopedia) parable, the term translates the Hebrew word “mashal”—a term denoting a metaphor, or an enigmatic saying or an analogy. In the Greco-Roman rhetorical tradition, however, “parables”…

nut, in botany

(Encyclopedia) nut, in botany, a dry one-seeded fruit which is indehiscent (i.e., does not split open along a definite seam at maturity). Among the true nuts are the acorn, chestnut, and hazelnut.…

Napier, John

(Encyclopedia) Napier, JohnNapier, Johnnāˈpēr, nəpērˈ [key], 1550–1617, Scottish mathematician and theologian. He invented logarithms and wrote Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio (1614),…

Bantu languages

(Encyclopedia) Bantu languages, group of African languages forming a subdivision of the Benue-Niger division of the Niger-Congo branch of the Niger-Kordofanian language family (see African languages…


(Encyclopedia) rent, in law, periodic payment by a tenant for the use of another's property. In economics, its meaning is more complex, but since the word rent means any income or yield from an…


(Encyclopedia) commonwealth, form of administration signifying government by the common consent of the people. To Locke and Hobbes and other 17th-century writers the term meant an organized political…


(Encyclopedia) amphitheateramphitheaterămˈfəthēˌətər, ămˈpə– [key], open structure used for the exhibition of gladiatorial contests, struggles of wild beasts, sham sea battles, and similar spectacles…


(Encyclopedia) Melchites or MelkitesMelkitesboth: mĕlˈkīts [key], members of a Christian community in the Levant and the Americas, mainly Arabic-speaking and numbering about 250,000. They are in…