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Brewer's: Sit Upon

(To). To snub, squash, smother, set down; the Latin insideo. Charlotte Brontë, in Shirley (xxviii.), uses a phrase which seems analagous: Miss Keeldar says she mentioned the mischance to…

Writing Well: Narrative Building Blocks

Narrative Building BlocksWriting WellTell Me a Story: NarrationNarrative Building BlocksGet Cookin'!Life Line: Personal Narratives Author! Author! When a person is surrounded by disciples, Oscar…

Brewer's: Nom

“Nom de guerre ” is French for a “war name,” but really means an assumed name. It was customary at one time for everyone who entered the French army to assume a name, this was especially…

Quotations by Women

From Golda Meir to Whoopi Goldberg Compiled by Ann Marie Imbornoni New Quiz: Try the Famous Quotations by Women quiz. I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just…

A Thousand Clowns

By: Don Schlitz Director: Scott Ellis Cast: Joshua Park, Kristen Bell, Linda Purl, Jane Connell, John Christopher Jones, Tommy Hollis, Marshall Pailet, Jim Poulos, Tom Aldredge, John…

70 Book Quotes About Love

There's something about a good romance novel or book of love poetry that just tugs at the heartstrings. Whether it's the sweeping historical setting, the modern love story, or the heartwarming…

Among the Maids

Among the MaidsAlthough this story is about Jo's boys, her girls cannot be neglected, because they held a high place in this little republic, and especial care was taken to fit them to play…


(Encyclopedia) novel, in modern literary usage, a sustained work of prose fiction a volume or more in length. It is distinguished from the short story and the fictional sketch, which are necessarily…